Terms and Conditions

Payment for Items

    Payment for items is due at time of checkout. If you have chosen to use the Check option you will be responsible to send the check to the address listed on the order confirmation email within 30 days of checkout. Your items will not be mailed until the check has been received and cleared at the T1 Trust’s bank. Your credit/debit card or PayPal account will be charged immediately after you click the Checkout button and it is your responsibly to make sure the funds are available before completing the checkout.

All payments except Checks are processed through Braintree, a PayPal company.


Recurring Donations

    Each Month your recurring donation will be automatically charged to your credit/debit card or PayPal account. If the charges are rejected or declined the system will try again after 1 day and again 1 day later if after 2 failed attempts your recurring donation will be terminated. You will receive an email from Braintree on our behalf if your account was unsuccessful to charge. 

    If your recurring donation is part of a monthly payment structure (Founders Club, Driver Center, etc) you will not receive the final items until the full amount is paid at which time the items will be shipped to you. If your charges are declined during the recurring payment process and your recurring donation has been terminated due to multiple failed attempts you will not receive the final items. You may contact us to setup another recurring donation using another payment source to complete the transaction.

    If you opt to checkout for a monthly recurring donation and use the Check option you will be responsible for mailing a check every month.

These Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time.